On Sunday afternoon, I was going to meet T. and we had already planned to take some outfit photos for the blog before we do anything else. On Sunday morning however, I woke up to snow and really cold weather. When I say snow, I don’t mean a picturesque image where everything is white; just imagine snowflakes, and REALLY cold weather (especially if you consider that a few days ago, it felt like spring). Since we already had planned it, we layered up and went out for photos anyway. Even though I was super cold and I couldn’t take my coat off to show you my dress properly, I really enjoyed our little photo shoot. T. was making me laugh so much that I almost forgot how cold it was. His idea was to call this post “the last one before T. broke up with me”, because I made him take photos while it was snowing, and he also suggested I write, that I wasn’t wearing any lipstick, and that my lips were purple because of the cold. hehehe I can happily report back to you, that he didn’t actually break up with me (phew! Thanks babe) and that we spent the next days together, cozying up in warm clothes, and blankets, while watching movies, and stuffing ourselves with delicious, yet fattening food. Thank you so much for reading this huge post. I hope you enjoy the photos! 😉
Την Κυριακή το απόγευμα, είχα κανονίσει με τον Τ. να συναντηθούμε και να πάμε για φωτογραφίες πριν κάνουμε οτιδήποτε άλλο. Την Κυριακή το πρωί όμως, όταν ξύπνησα, ανακάλυψα ότι χιόνιζε και είχε παγωνιά. Όταν λέω χιόνιζε, μην βιαστείτε να φανταστείτε τα πάντα καλυμμένα με χιόνι… Σκεφτείτε απλά νιφάδες χιονιού και πάρα, μα πάρα, πολύ κρύο (ειδικά αν λάβετε υπόψη σας το γεγονός ότι πριν λίγες μέρες ήταν λες και είχε έρθει η Άνοιξη). Μιας και το είχαμε ήδη κανονίσει, αποφασίσαμε να φορέσουμε τα ζεστά μας ρούχα και να πάμε έτσι κι αλλιώς για φωτογραφίες. Παρόλο που είχε τόσο κρύο που δεν μπορούσα με τίποτα να βγάλω το παλτό μου για να σας δείξω εντελώς τι φορούσα, πραγματικά απόλαυσα τη φωτογράφησή μας. Ο Τ. με έκανε διαρκώς να γελάω τόσο πολύ, που σχεδόν ξεχνούσα πόσο κρύο είχε. Μάλιστα μια απ’τις ιδέες του ήταν να ονομάσω αυτό το ποστ «το τελευταίο πριν με χωρίσει ο Τ.», επειδή τον έβαλα να βγάλει φωτογραφίες μέσα στο κρύο ενόσω χιόνιζε, και πρότεινε επίσης να σας πω να μην σας παραπλανεί το χρώμα των χειλιών μου, καθώς δεν είναι κραγιόν, αλλά τα μελανιασμένα από το κρύο χείλη μου. χιχιχι Με χαρά σας ενημερώνω ότι εν τέλει δεν με χώρισε (ουφ! Πάλι καλά! χιχι) και ότι περάσαμε τις επόμενες μέρες προσπαθώντας να κρατηθούμε ζεστοί με χοντρά ρούχα και κουβέρτες, βλέποντας ταινίες και τρώγοντας πεντανόστιμα (αλλά δυστυχώς, παχυντικά) φαγητά. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ που διαβάσατε αυτό το τεράστιο ποστ. Ελπίζω να απολαύσετε τις φωτογραφίες.
LOOK OF THE DAY: Coat: Pepe Jeans Dress: Local shop Bag: D&G Biker boots: Casual Attitude c/o spartoo.gr Socks: Oysho Sunglasses: Ray Ban Beanie: Playboy Lipstick: Avon Deep Orchid
We love your hair color! come to meet ELPY, the first BLOG OF FASHION-CHARITY AND LIFESTYLE!!
Thank you very much! 🙂
Ε όχι και τεράστιο ποστ! Μπορώ να φανταστώ πάντως το κρύο. Κι η μυτούλα μου κάνει λίγο κόκκινη. Μήπως μου φαίνεται?![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Christina recently posted..Street Fashion Jewelry: An idea and proposition!
xixi fainetai e? Itan ontws kokkini apo to krio i kaimeni! Kaname oso pio grigora mporousame alla fisouse kiolas…
Κοίτα χαρά και τσαχπινιά!!!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
(Οκ, το ξέρεις πως σε τέτοιες πόζες μου αρέσεις πιο πολύ!)
Νομίζω πως έχεις το ιδανικό ντύσιμο για τέτοιο καιρό!!
Σε… εγκρίνω!!!
😉 χαχα!
syros2js recently posted..ΑΚΑΤΑΛΛΗΛΟ..!
xixi E alli anesi exw me auton mou to “fwtografo”, alla den voleuei panta na me vgazei autos! 🙂
S’euxaristw poli! To skeftika, to ksanaskeftika, kai parolo pou mporei na skeftei kapoios “ma, forema sto xioni?”, pragmatika itan oti pio zesto mporousa na foresw…An den fisouse tha imoun mia xara…Auto to forema einai apisteuta aneto kai zesto!
Filakia polla!!!! 🙂
Cool and warm, just perfect!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
barefoot duchess recently posted..Next Station: Winter Pastels
Thank you! Glad you liked it! 🙂
πολύ ωραίο!!!! λατρεύω τις κάλτσες!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
φιλάκια πολλά!! 🙂
Evi recently posted..Take a walk with me.
S’euxaristw poli Evi! Ki egw xarika poli otan tis anakalipsa sto sirtari mou! Tis pira persi kai tis eixa ksehasei teleiws! xixi
Filakia! 🙂
κι εγώ έχω πάρα πολλές τετοιες καλτσούλες! και χαίρομαι που μπορώ να τις ξαναφορέσω!!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Evi recently posted..Take a walk with me.
Love this outfit!!! When i first saw it i thought it was an american blogger or something! Totally cool!!!
Martha![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
martha recently posted..Don’t Ask me How to Wear it : The ”Pied De Coq” maxi skirt
hehe That’s nice, and really flattering! Thank you Martha! 🙂 I’m glad you liked it!
Είσαι πολύ όμορφη!Σου πάει το χιόνι!Καλά οι κάλτσες είναι φοβερές!Φιλιά!!!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
AbyCraft recently posted..Elbow patches!
S’euxaristw para poli! 🙂 Filia!
It does look warm and comfy! And again as a coincidence, I have a Playboy T-shirt 🙂 I loved the socks up to the knee! I think your idea of layering to get warm is so good! It has not been very cold here, and I told you, I was waiting for some snow that neeever came! I love your outfit and I think you look beautiful in every occasion, through summer to winter! Very good T didn’t break up, or I would say some ugh! things to him 🙂 Just kidding, of course! Makia!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Denise recently posted..The par-dee starts soon!
Nah… He wouldn’t do that. He was just teasing me because he was cold, and I made him stay in the snow and wind to take the photos. hehe
Many coincidences between us! 🙂 Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked my look! The socks actually go above then knee but they didn’t look so good with this dress, so I lowered them.
I don’t know, maybe I can’t tolerate the cold the way you do. We’re not so used to extreme cold here in Greece, and anything below zero sounds extreme. hehe The humidity of Thessaloníki doesn’t help either. It may be zero degrees and feel like -5 or something. You can feel the cold in your bones. I’m sure you’ll see plenty of snow soon!
Τέλειο Μαρκέλλα μου!!Μου αρέσει που φαίνονται οι νιφάδες του χιονιού..!!To look είναι άκρως χειμωνιάτικο και ότι πρέπει για το κρύο αυτών των ημερών…Το παλτό είναι απαραίτητο!!Οι κάλτσες είναι τέλειες επίσης και ζεστές φαντάζομαι…!!Μπορεί εδώ στο Βόλο να μη χιόνισε αλλά κάνει πολύ κρύο και πάλι..Stay warm!Φιλιά πολλά!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
George A. recently posted..B&W sales
Oi kaltses einai para poli zestes! To idio kai to forema! Itan oti prepei gia ekeini tin mera. Xairomai pou paratirises tis nifades, giati itan toso mikroskopikes pou den fainontan sxedon stis fwtografies!
Nomizw oti tha to epanalavw sintoma giati o kairos oso paei kai xeirotereuei! Kalo mina!
Filia polla!
I love this look! The black and gray combo is great for winter.![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Akaleistar recently posted..Magical Cheesecake Recipe
Thank you Ashley! It’s one of my favorite combinations! 🙂
That looks like a really warm and comfy outfit indeed 🙂 I like the socks pulled up like that.![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Kiss & Make-up recently posted..How I got my acne under control by changing my skin care routine
Thank you very much! 🙂 The socks are actually above-the-knee ones, so I had to pull them down to get this look! 😉
Nice look and photos and I love your hair!![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
Lady parisienne recently posted..Sweet Garden
Thank you Lady Parisienne! Oh my hair are in desperate need of hair dye. hehe
Hey M! Can’t believe this is only the second time so far this year I’ve found time to pass by your blog and say hello! I have just been so busy working and house hunting and my boyfriend has been sick (and we all know the world has to stop turning when men are sick while us women just get on with it!) I was meant to be viewing a house now but they cancelled at the last minute so thought I’d use my newly acquired free time to catch up with you instead!
Firstly, Happy belated 3rd anniversary to your blog! 3 years is quite an achievement. Secondly, I love your new skinny jeans. They fit you perfectly and I’m sure you will get loads of wear out of them. They looked great with your tartan scarf and also dressed up or down. It’s snowing and freezing where I live at the mo and I don’t know how you cope wearing pumps, I can’t go out without wearing boots and thick socks – you are a braver lady than I!
Really liked your powder pink outfit too, you looked very glam. Loved the way you’d plaited your hair and your clutch bag. T made me laugh with his comments on your latest post title! It’s nice how supportive he is of you and your blog bless him! Sounds like you had a lovely time snuggling up indoors, you can’t beat being warm and cozy on the sofa with a good film, a plate of munchies and someone you love on these cold winter days! Sending you lots of love xx
Hey Laura! Oh it must be really tiring looking for a new house. I hope you find one soon! Get well wishes to your bf. I know it’s hard when they get sick. They need constant attention. hehe But I’m glad you found some time to come here. 🙂
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes for my blog. I’ve already wore my skinny jeans a lot and I definitely need a black pair as well. But I wasn’t able to find the perfect ones yet. I don’t want to spend a lot of money, so I’m only shopping what I need, and usually cheap stuff. Oh it wasn’t snowing when I was wearing the pumps. It was a bit cold, but manageable. The scarf kept me really warm, so I didn’t feel cold at all. Plus I was indoors most of the time. It was the next day that the snow came, and I wasn’t even able to take my coat off for the usual photos, but that outfit was much warmer than the previous one with the scarf. I’m definitely not brave, believe me! I can’t stand the cold.
I’m glad you liked the powder pink look, because I loved it so much! It was so “me”. I needed some glam, after the previous casual (and boring) one.
Aww thank you so much! T. smiled when he read your comment. 🙂 He’s always proud when he reads good things about his “work”, even if he doesn’t show it or if he doesn’t write here often.
Thank you so much for your nice words! It’s always a pleasure, reading your comments and talking to you! 🙂 I hope you have a fantastic week! Sending you lots of love as well! 🙂
Α χα… ωραιο σκουφί, ταιριαζει τέλεια με το μανικιούρ!
Beauty Follower recently posted..A different version of a delicious cheesecake![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
S’euxaristw poli! Xairomai poli pou sou arese! 🙂
Πάρα πολύ όμορφο outfit!!! Ο συνδυασμός μαύρο-γκρι είναι πολύ ωραίος και χειμωνιάτικος!!! Μου αρέσει που φοράς εκτός από το καλσόν σου και τις κάλτσες!! Δίνει στυλ και σε κρατάνε σίγουρα ζεστή εφόσον δεν έχεις την κάλυψη από ένα παντελόνι!! Το σκουφάκι σου είναι πολύ όμορφο!! Τα χειλάκια σου αν και παγωμένα έχουν πάρει πολύ ωραίο φυσικό χρώμα!!! Πάντως όταν είδα ότι χιονίζει στη Θεσσαλονίκη αμέσως αναρωτήθηκα τι ωραίο outfit θα μας έδειχνες για μία τόσο κρύα μέρα!!! Πολύ όμορφη!!!! ♥♥♥
xixi S’euxaristw poli gia ta kala sou logia Elena! Xairomai poli pou sou arese! Makari na eixe xionisei perissotero gia na vgalw fwto se xionismeno topio! Min se ksegelane ta osa eipe o T., foraw kanonikotata kragion, kai malista poli skouro…Einai to Deep Orchid tis Avon, to opoio einai shiny, skouro burgundy, sta oria tou kafe. I miti mou apo tin alli, einai ontws kokkini ap’to krio! 😉
Awesome outfit and cool pics
😀 Nice blog!!
Hadrien recently posted..Weekend Pics![My Profile](http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/images/littleheart.gif)
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