Pencil skirt lover | Outfits

Pencil skirt lover 5- outfit - DoYouSpeakGossip.comI’m sure you’ve noticed that when I’m wearing a skirt, it’s either a pencil or a full one. I absolutely love pencil skirts. I find them very ladylike and sexy in their own kind of way. Sexy shouldn’t be confused with vulgar. A woman can be sexy and look like a lady at the same time. It’s how you present yourself and how you want others to think of you. I’m not a prude, on the contrary. But I respect myself and my body, and I think outfits show your character. And if your clothes look “cheap” then you might lose some respect from the people around you. So be very careful of the way you dress, because your outfits are like a mirror to your personality and personal values, ladies. And pencil skirts can instantly add some class to your looks, in my opinion of course. They can be dressed up or dressed down, like I did that day, with the addition of a cozy sweater, a warm pair of tights, and my tall boots. Do you like the result?

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4 years ago | Outfits

4 years ago 3- outfit - DoYouSpeakGossip.comAs promised, here’s the full outfit of the day we celebrated my blog’s anniversary with a cake. 4 years ago, I wrote my first post on this blog, and without putting too much thought on it, I became a blogger. I told you many times before, that I treat my blog like my business, but at the same time I see it as my child. It’s something that I’m really passionate and proud about. So naturally I had to celebrate its “birthday” and dress up in a proper way! Here’s the outfit of that day. Simple, two-color, ladylike chic, like my signature style! I hadn’t worn this dress in a while so I thought it was a good opportunity to do so. I hope you like the look. Don’t forget to take part on my blog’s new giveaway.

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Happy 4th anniversary

Happy 4th anniversary 8Officially, the 4th anniversary of my blog is tomorrow, on the 15th of January, but I usually post on Wednesdays, so I didn’t want to leave my blog without a post, and I decided it was a nice opportunity to celebrate its anniversary for more than 1 day. So today’s post is a celebratory one, with a “birthday” cake and everything. It feels like yesterday that I started blogging but at the same time, it doesn’t. Because I know how much effort I’ve put into this blog, and how much I struggle every day to make it better. Last year, we celebrated my blog’s anniversary with a whole new blog re-design, where we did not just customize a ready-to-install theme, but we built a completely new theme from scratch. When I say we, I mostly mean T., since my knowledge on coding is limited, but credits go to me too, since I gave him the guidelines, and made all the other changes that didn’t require complicated coding. I’m still super content with this theme, so this year, I won’t make big changes. At least not for now… But to celebrate it in a more special way, I have a surprise for you, so better come back tomorrow, on the actual blog anniversary, for it.

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