L-O-V-E | Outfits

L-O-V-E - outfit

We took these photos on Thursday on a spontaneous visit to the One Salonica Outlet Mall in my city, which I hadn’t visited before. I also took this photo as part of a contest, that’s currently running, and you can take one too, if you’re there. As we were there, I found the perfect backdrop for my look of the day. Yellow is quickly becoming one of my favorite colors, and LOVE is one of the most beautiful words, so I had to take photos in front of it. My look of the day was super simple and casual because I was out of the house the whole day (I’m editing a new vlog to go up this Sunday, so stay tuned!), but it turned out to be too warm for that hot sunny day! Hope you like it!

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Skinny pants & T-shirt | Outfits

Skinny pants & T-shirt 4- outfit - DoYouSpeakGossip.com

You cannot tell by these photos by my hair looked really well that day. The reason why you cannot tell is because we had such crazy wind, that we had to take hundreds of photos in order for me to pick just a few where my hair wasn’t flying around my head. Did I mention it was really cold too? Because it really was! I really loved this outfit, because it combines 2 of my newest purchases. My new pants, and T-shirt, which I’ve shown you on my new video haul yesterday! If you haven’t watched it yet, just click here to watch it now. You can wear this outfit to the office, or to go out for drinks at night! It will be good for either occasion. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

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Peplum top & culottes | Outfits

Peplum top & culottes

You already know that I feel more like myself inside such outfits that are considered more “formal”. However I don’t wait for a formal occasion to present itself. I just wear what I like and what makes me happy and go out, even for a coffee with the boyfriend or some friends. And you should do that too. Don’t be held back by what the majority usually wears these days; wear whatever you like, whenever and wherever you like, and feel fabulous while doing it. If dressing up makes you happy or lifts your spirit, then do it! Don’t think what others might say, and don’t dress like the majority. Be yourself, stand out, and make a difference. Only then, you’d be truly happy! Personal style is a means to express ourselves; so be creative, and always be you. I’m trying to do the same! Happy end of the week my loves! See you soon!

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My month in pics | September 2016

September 2016 outfits of the month

Another month comes to an end, and guys, I took a decision, and that is to not only stop posting my Instagram photos of the month here, but to stop this column altogether. The reason is that I’ve been tired of this column for months, and if you remove the Instagram photos too (because everyone is on Instagram these days, and even if not, he can check out my profile online) there’s nothing to offer that someone can already see on Facebook for example. So this is probably my last month in pics column, and I want your help to find something to replace it. What would you like to see for the last post of the month on my blog? Please, help me decide. Also, don’t forget to follow me on all social media. I’m also on Snapchat as @douspeakgossip, but be aware that I speak Greek. Check out the links for these posts below, in case you missed any of them.

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Mix & match | Outfits

Greek fashion blogger - DoYouSpeakGossip?

Just a quick outfit post today, to show you the outfit I wore yesterday… I mixed my polka dot peplum top, with my squared cardigan. I wasn’t a fan of the combo at first, but I ended up liking the result a lot. Hope you like it too! I’m going shopping with a friend now, have to run! See you soon!

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