I’m sure you’ve noticed that over the past months our little group has been meeting more and more often. In one of our meetings, we realized that this would be the first Christmas we’ve been together, and since Christmas is a time when families get together to celebrate, it wouldn’t be possible for us to be with each other these days. Then we were struck by the idea of hosting a (pre) Christmas tea party, so we can all celebrate this time of the year together. And how nice it would be to capture these moments on camera, and post them on our blogs, creating a Christmas themed collaboration? The decision was taken, and we were so excited that we couldn’t wait for that day, while we were running up and down, organizing everything. We wanted that day to be perfect, on and off camera. On, so we could share it with you, and make you feel like you were there with us, and off because parties are always fun (especially if they include Christmas treats and champagne). This is going to be a really picture-loaded post. You’ve been warned! 😛
Είμαι σίγουρη ότι έχετε παρατηρήσει, ότι τους τελευταίους μήνες, το παρεάκι μας, συναντιέται όλο και πιο συχνά. Σε μια από τις συναντήσεις μας, συνειδητοποιήσαμε, ότι αυτά θα είναι τα πρώτα Χριστούγεννα από τότε που γνωριστήκαμε, και αρχίσαμε να κάνουμε παρέα όλες μαζί, και επειδή τα Χριστούγεννα είναι κατά βάση μια οικογενειακή γιορτή, δεν θα ήταν δυνατόν να τα γιορτάσουμε μαζί. Τότε μας ήρθε μια πολύ ωραία ιδέα: να οργανώσουμε ένα Χριστουγεννιάτικο tea party, ώστε να γιορτάσουμε και παρέα. Και πόσο ωραίο θα ήταν, να «αιχμαλωτίσουμε» αυτές τις στιγμές στην κάμερα, και να τις ανεβάσουμε στα blog μας, δημιουργώντας έτσι μια θεματική χριστουγεννιάτικη φωτογράφηση /συνεργασία; Η απόφαση πάρθηκε, και ήμασταν απόλυτα ενθουσιασμένες… τόσο που ανυπομονούσαμε να περάσουν οι μέρες, για να έρθει η ημερομηνία αυτή, ενώ παράλληλα τρέχαμε, οργανώνοντας όλες τις λεπτομέρειες. Θέλαμε αυτή η μέρα να είναι τέλεια, τόσο μπροστά όσο και πίσω από την κάμερα. Μπροστά, ώστε να μπορέσουμε να τη μοιραστούμε μαζί σας, και να σας κάνουμε να νιώσετε ότι ήσασταν εκεί και πίσω, γιατί «ποιος δεν περνάει καλά στα πάρτι» (ειδικά όταν αυτά περιλαμβάνουν χριστουγεννιάτικες λιχουδιές και σαμπάνια); Αυτή η ανάρτηση είναι αρκετά φορτωμένη με φωτογραφίες! Μην πείτε ότι δεν σας προειδοποίησα! 😛

Thessaloniki’s Fashion Bloggers are wishing you Merry Christmas
Οι Fashion Bloggers της Θεσσαλονίκης, σας εύχονται καλά Χριστούγεννα
Left to right:
Anatoli of “From An.ni with Love”
Kleoniki of “Notebook of Claire”
Markella of “Do You Speak Gossip?” (me)
Don’t forget to also check THEIR blogs for more photos of that day
Μην ξεχάσετε να επισκεφτείτε και τα δικά τους blogs για περισσότερες φωτογραφίες από εκείνη τη μέρα.
Homemade delicacies:
Melomakarona, Butter cookies, and cupcakes by me
Kourampiedes and club sandwiches by Maria
Make up by Anatoli
Huge thank you to T. for taking most of our photos and for letting us use his house as our photoshoot location.
P.S. I know this was already a huge post, but I left out many fun photos, more like “backstage” stuff, which I’m planning to post (probably) on my next post. Also, I’ll do a full outfit post with the outfit of that day, so don’t worry about the details, you’ll find them out soon. So stay tuned for more posts next week and one more surprise!!!
Υ.Γ. Ξέρω ότι αυτό ήταν ήδη ένα πολύ μεγάλο ποστ, αλλά δεν έβαλα πάρα πολλές φωτογραφίες που μου άρεσαν, οπότε να περιμένετε άλλο ένα ποστ σύντομα, με τις πιο «παρασκηνιακές» φωτογραφίες της ημέρας. Επίσης, θα κάνω και πλήρες outfit post με το σύνολο της ημέρας, οπότε μην ανησυχείτε, θα μάθετε όλες τις λεπτομέρειες πολύ σύντομα. Μείνετε συντονισμένοι για περισσότερες αναρτήσεις από εκείνη τη μέρα και μια ακόμη έκπληξη!!!
xexe! Μόλις ενημερώθηκα από το blog της λατρεμένης μου Κλεονίκης!!
Πάντα τόσο όμορφα να περνάτε, κούκλες!
Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο!
syros2js recently posted..ΝΑ ΤΑ ΠΟΥΜΕ???
S’euxaristoume poli glikia Iwanna! Perasame poli omorfa einai alitheia! Ki elpizoume na ksanavrethei i katallili eukairia na kanoume kati paromoio! 🙂
Filakia polla! Kalo Savvatokiriako kai se sena!
Apistevto post, teleio spiti!! Kai eseis oles KOUKLES. Ta outfits, ta malia, oi ligoudies! Makari na imoun konta sas koritsia!!!!!
Telio post Markela, well done girl!!!!
vanda recently posted..Photoshoot
S’euxaristoume poli Vanda! Na eisai kala! Ektos ap’to make up, ola ta ipoloipa ta epimelithike i kathe mia moni tis…xairomaste poli pou sas arese! To spiti einai tou T. Tha xarei poli na to akousei!
Makari ontws na mporouses na isoun k esi mazi mas! Elpizw oti kapoia mera tha gnwristoume kai mazi apo konta! 🙂
Filakia polla!
Πολύ ωραία όλα, και είστε όλες κούκλες αλλά έχω μια ερωτήσεις….
Σε αυτόν/ην που τραβούσε φωτογραφίες δώσατε τπτ να πιει ή να φάει? :p
Teddy Picker recently posted.."American Horror Story:Coven" Special: "Surprise, bitch"… Η ατάκα των χιλίων gif!!
hahaha Gelasa poli me to sxolio! 🙂 O filos mou travixe tis fwtografies, kai ennoeitai oti efage kai ipie kanonika o anthrwpos, gia tin akriveia tou afisame kai apeira glika sto spiti 😛 Den tha ton afiname nistiko!
S’euxaristoume poli! 🙂
Oti k an s poune min tis akous.. 2 meres meta me afisane eleuthero!! 😛
Lol, T. Se ligo tha les oti se eixame demeno me alisides…hehe
Όμορφες κυρίες, γλυκά, φαγητό και σαμπάνια… Φυλακή πραγματικά! 😛
Teddy Picker recently posted.."American Horror Story:Coven" Special: "Surprise, bitch"… Η ατάκα των χιλίων gif!!
Migraine or not (got a bit better today, but I never had it two days in a row! And alwys twice a year only!) I HAD to come here today becaue I knew it would be grand! It’s amazing, all the beautiful pictures, all the love in them! I really loved the post and I wish I could be there (wait for me soon, next years around Feb I’ll be there!) I think the treats were delicious (wait for me, melomakarona!) and your outfit was impeccable as usual! Your friends were also all very very beautiful, I really think it was like a Vogue party! An amazing post with beautiful girls! Makia!
Denise recently posted..Resolutions… wisdom?
OMG!!! Is this real? Are you truly coming near February? I’m soooo excited now! You made my day! These news were even better than the excitement of revealing this post to you! I’m so happy! 🙂 I truly can’t wait. And when you come, I’ll cook more melomakarona for you, so they can be nice and fresh. I can show you the recipe and how to make them, to take a scent of Greece back home. hehe
Thank you sooo much for your beautiful comment. I really wish you could be here with us. And when you come I’ll introduce you to all the girls and take many photos together! 🙂
I really hope you feel better soon. I have migraines too from time to time and they’re not pleasant, I know. You should take a mild painkiller like depon, or avoid bright lights until you feel good again. Caffeine also helps for me, but I know it’s not your friend! 😛 Get better soon!!!
Filakia pollaaa!!! I’m super excited now! 🙂 😀
Κορίτσιαααα….τέλειοοοο! Υπέροχες, πανέμορφες και τόσοοο γιορτινές! Πολύ ωραία η ιδέα σας…καλές γιορτές!
Zoi recently posted..Avon Fall/ Winter Collection 2013 + Mini Review
S’euxaristoume poli Zoi! Xairomaste pou sou arese! Kales giortes kai se sena! 🙂
how great that you guys get together more often now. i wish there were more bloggers here (that i know of!)…
you guys look lovely. thanks for sharing your pictures!
oomph. recently posted..cold weather comfort.
Thank you so much for your nice words. 🙂 I’m sure you’ll soon find that there many other bloggers in your area too. If so many bloggers live in my small town, I’m pretty sure they can be found everywhere. hehe It’s really nice to have friends with mutual interests.
looks like you had a wonderful evening 🙂
Yes we did Sammie, it was amazing! Thank you!
Awesome tea party! Great photos too! I wish I could be there…
I wish that too Miranda! 🙂 Thank you very much!
Lovely post!!
A chic kiss 😉
what a nice get together! you girls look lovely, and i especially like your hair here! so nice to see your face again too xx
steph recently posted..Angel Place
Thank you so much Stephanie! You’re always so kind and sweet! 🙂 It was the day after I had dyed my hair again, that’s why they look so vibrant and shiny. hehe I wish this color could stay for a longer time, but red fades so quickly.
Oh and you’ll see my face again really soon. In the next 2 posts at least. 😀
Looks like a wonderful party!
Akaleistar recently posted..20 Under $20 Gift Guide
Yes it was, and we had so much fun with the girls! I wish we could do it again soon. 🙂
Ήταν τόσο όμορφη ιδέα και χαίρομαι που έγινε έτσι όπως το φανταζόμασταν.. Και του χρόνου καλύτερα θα ευχηθώ χιχιχ <3
Kleoniki recently posted..Christmas Tea Party | Thessaloniki’s Fashion Bloggers
Makari Kleoniki mou giati perasame ontws para poli wraia kai riksame kai poli gelio! xixix ♥
Pingback: Green velvet at the Christmas tea party | Outfits | Do You Speak Gossip?
πολύ ωραία ιδέα! μπραβο κορίτσια! ¨ομορφες όλες!
S’euxaristoume poli! 🙂
Pingback: Christmas Tea party – part 2 | Do You Speak Gossip?
Μπράβο κουκλες, πάντα τέτοια!
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