Black and Yellow | Outfit post

We took these photos a couple of days ago, when we went for a walk, and then returned home to watch a movie the way we like: privately. This time we watched In Time, a sci-fi action movie which had a bit weird plot, but in the end we really liked it. You should check out the link, if you’re interested.

You may remember the place of these photos from my post Neon Love, a post I really enjoyed taking pictures for, because there was nobody around to stare at me, when taking the photos. We went there again, for this post, but we were asked to leave after a while, as it’s forbidden to be there without permission, so we continued the “photoshoot” at another location. Bye bye favorite place for outfit shots. You’ll be missed.

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Game of Colors | Outfit post

We took these photos some days ago, before me and T. headed for dinner. I was so extremely busy that day, running around, doing house works that we missed the light and couldn’t take good photos. I’m beginning to look like a happy housewife around here, with all those house works that my mom used to do before her injury. I kind of enjoy some of them, but don’t tell anyone. hehe

About this outfit….It’s very simple, combining some of the colors that I wore a lot this summer, but the problem is that due to the lighting (or the lack of it) the dress seems like it is a different color in almost every photo. We played around with the settings, but we didn’t have a lot of time, and we were getting bitten my mosquitoes, so we took these quickly and went to dinner. I kind of like this result. It’s like I have this dress in many similar colors. And after seeing them on my pc I wished I had. hehe Hope you like them too!

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Put a cherry on top | Outfit post

This is an outfit that I had in mind from the moment I bought this peplum top, but I didn’t have the chance to wear until now. Another item that I didn’t have the chance to wear until now was my cherry skirt, which was a birthday present from my mom last year. I couldn’t let the season pass without wearing it at least once, because it’s an item I love, and I’m happy to have it in my closet. Even if I’m always the one to overdress for a night out, and that particular skirt always generates comments about that fact, I don’t care! So I wore my cherry skirt with pride and went for dinner with my bf and cousins.

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VFNO 2012 Thessaloniki | My outfit

As promised, here I am, with a more detailed post about the outfit I wore this year at VOGUE Fashion’s Night Out in Thessaloniki. I’ve already shared photos from that day with you, but here are a few outfit photos I managed to snap just before I left for the event.

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My month in pics – September 2012

This month was so full I almost didn’t realize that we were soon going to enter October.  And when I say full, I don’t mean only with blogging, events and posts, but also in my personal life. But let’s start this recap from the usual part. The outfits I wore and presented here to you, during September.

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