My month in pics | April 2014

april 2014 outfits - DoYouSpeakGossip.comAnother month comes to an end, and apart from the rain, all it leaves behind is good memories. I just hope that May will be a drier/warmer/sunnier month that will feel more like spring than April did. I leave you with the recap of April, by showing you my best moments through my Instagram account and my outfits. Which one is your favorite? See them all here.

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My month in pics | December 2013

December is almost gone… and so is 2013. Before we wave 2013 goodbye, let’s see the best moments of December: Outfits of the month, and my insta-moments. Expect a new post tomorrow though, with the best moments of 2013. For now, my December was full and I enjoyed it to the fullest.

1. Light pink sweater, 2. Layering up in style, 3. B&W city look, 4. Cropped top & tartan pencil skirt, 5. C for casual and cold, 6. Sunsets at the marina, 7. Green velvet at the Christmas tea party, 8. Burgundy on B&W.

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My month in pics – July 2013

Can’t believe that we’re one day away from August! It seems like yesterday that summer just came. And most of all I can’t believe that I haven’t gone on vacation yet (and I don’t know if I will, anyway). Let’s hope that August would be a better one for me. I’m always starting with my outfits, so here they are: 1) ombre maxi dress, 2) colorful day, 3) Summer black and whites, 4) What I wore on my nephew’s christening, 5) Anniversary look, 6) maxi dress & fashion bloggers’ meeting. 6 of them for this month (and I owe you one)…which is strange because it was definitely a month I went out a lot. It must be because I didn’t have someone to photograph my outfits at that time. But thanks to my bf, my new iPhone has been a great friend lately, since I can photograph anything I want, including “previews” of my outfits, and let’s face it, most of my meals. I love photographing my food. So here are the photos I uploaded on my Instagram this month. Don’t forget to follow me there. When I look at them I see I had a great use of my new jelly bag, and I liked my outfits with it so much that I’m planning to wear them again to photograph them for the blog and show you the complete look. Would you like that?

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