Mint condition | Outfits

I bet you’re bored of seeing me wearing mint all the time on the blog lately. I promise I’ll try to tone it down from now on. I get obsessed with colors, clothes, accessories so much that I can’t stop wearing them until I get bored of them. I guess this was a “mint month” for me. Since this month is coming to an end, and my next post will be the recap one, we’ll all see how much I’ve been wearing this color lately. This outfit was in fact a “repeat”. I wore it for the first time last year here, with some different accessories, and you may have seen me wearing it again on Instagram a few weeks ago. But I hadn’t photographed it back then, so I wore it happily again to go for coffee with some friends on Monday. See how different an outfit can look just by changing a few details? No need to worry about wearing the same clothes again!

Feel free to Gossip about it: