I’ve already showed you the pictures I took during Fashion’s Night Out on September 20th in Thessaloniki, on my last post. Today I’m going to show you what I was wearing that day.

I’ve already showed you the pictures I took during Fashion’s Night Out on September 20th in Thessaloniki, on my last post. Today I’m going to show you what I was wearing that day.
As I told you on my last post, on Tuesday the 20th was the first Fashion’s Night Out in Thessaloniki, an event organized by Vogue. So I took T. and went for an afternoon walk downtown to see the shops that participated in FNO, take some pictures, and maybe shop a little. It was a reaaaaally long walk though, to see all the stores, and I didn’t take many pictures as I was soon exhausted. However, I’m going to share with you the few I took, cause I promised you and cause I want to show you some things I loved.