I’ve already showed you the pictures I took during Fashion’s Night Out on September 20th in Thessaloniki, on my last post. Today I’m going to show you what I was wearing that day.

I’ve already showed you the pictures I took during Fashion’s Night Out on September 20th in Thessaloniki, on my last post. Today I’m going to show you what I was wearing that day.
Monday was my birthday, and I went out for dinner with a few friends. The day itself wasn’t very good, in fact I got in an “epic fight”, as I call it, with a person I love, but in the end, everything turned out ok, and we had quite a good time.
Last week I went shopping (again!) but this time, I only bought nail polishes. I needed to buy some new colors because I decided to throw away my old ones, either cause they were too old, or cause I wasn’t going to use them again.
I present you my new buys.