Vacation Diary

I’ve been meaning to show you where I’ve been on my vacations, and what better way than showing you some of the pics I took.

As my frequent readers already know, the 2nd part of my summer vacation included sunbathing at the beach in N.Marmaras, Chalkidiki. I’ve been going to this place almost every summer of my life, as my cousins have a house there.

Feel free to Gossip about it:


Purple and Yellow

Hello my dear readers! How is everyone? Today I’m leaving for vacation again, I’m going to stay at my cousins’ house in Chalkidiki for a week. So, all the posts you’ll read from me this week are written in advance. I’m still going to read and approve your comments during my stay there, so please give me your thoughts in the comment section below.

My boyfriend took all the photos of this post. He’s helping me as much as he can lately, and I want to thank him for this. I really appreciate it.

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In the navy

in the navy 5Yet another nameday has come, and yet another reason to go out and celebrate the best way we know, eating. If you are Greek, you’re familiar with this. Many people in one of my previous posts told me, that this is really common in their country too. I’m glad we’re not the only ones!

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You can leave your hat on

DSC00599A few days ago while I was having a walk at the mall, I saw the perfect hat in a shop window. I rarely wear hats, but this year I decided to start wearing them more often. I was lucky because it was the only one left, and it suited me perfectly, so I bought it. The next day, I decided to build my outfit around it, and I really liked the result of it.

Feel free to Gossip about it: