Summer Sunsets | Outfit post

A few days ago my friend S., who studies abroad, (do you remember telling you about her, last summer in Vienna?) and I, went for an afternoon coffee, on the spot I told you about on a previous post. She was in Greece for vacation, but spent most of her days on an island camping, but when she returned, she called me wanting to meet me. She’s one of my dearest friends. Despite studying abroad, and no matter how many miles separate us, we always talk and always meet when she’s in town. She feels like a sister to me.  And it’s one of the friendships I value the most! She only stayed in town for a day before she left for Germany again to study, but we managed to find some time for a coffee and some catching up! I always like to make time on my schedule (no matter how busy it can be at times), for my friends, especially good ones!

Before we reach our destination I asked her to take some pictures of me and my outfit for the blog. It’s always nice to have someone do it for you, instead of using a self-timer. The result left me speechless. She did such a great job with the photos…They were exactly as I wanted them to be, and even more! I hope you like them as much as I did.

Feel free to Gossip about it:


Top 10 posts of 2011

This week’s IFB project (#26) was to make a special post about our favourite posts of 2011. In order to do this I had to go through all this year’s posts, and pick (up to) 10 of my favourites. This sounds easy, but it isn’t ‘cause I wrote all of them, and I love them equally, so it was too difficult to pick only 10. However, I managed to do it. I remembered my emotions and thoughts when I was writing them, and I kept smiling the whole time.

Here we go (in no special order):

1. Take a bow

Click on the pics to enlarge

Feel free to Gossip about it:


Vienna moments Part 3 (and last)

This is the 3rd and last part of my trip to Vienna. If you haven’t read the other parts yet, here you can find the 1st part and the 2nd part.

The 5th day, started really nice, the weather was hot and the day sunny, so we finally decided to visit the Schönbrunn Palace, to walk through its gardens and maybe visit the zoo too. So, we took the subway again, and headed there.

Feel free to Gossip about it: