July’s wishlist – summer edition

This month’s wishlist is gonna be less of a wishlist, and more of a summer essentials list. I’m writing this post in advance, because, as you already know I’m in Chios island for my cousin’s wedding, and I’m already in a summer holidays mood. Since we have hot summer weather here in Greece, all I can think lately is the beach, summer cocktails, and beautiful items to make my summer vacations more special. This post is a bit different from the usual wishlists I do, and I hope you welcome it with excitement. hehe


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New in: Buffalo Dasia sandals via spartoo.gr

In my previous posts I told you that I had ordered 2 more pairs of shoes, and as I wrote on my Facebook page, they were delivered to me last week and I couldn’t be happier with my order. I wasn’t going to order 2 pairs, but it’s a long story!

I’ll try to make it shorter, by telling you that I was originally going to buy only the 2nd pair, but I already had a few green pairs, so my mom advised me to buy another one,  and that’s when I bought the Buffalo Addison ones. But I couldn’t get them out of my mind, so I wanted to buy them too. But from the moment I put my order for the Addisons, the green Dasia ones sold out in my size. I kept visiting the site every day in case my size was back, but nothing. After 3 weeks I gave up, and decided to buy the black pair instead…I didn’t have a black pair of heeled sandals for the summer, so I thought why not.

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A walk at the dock

Some days ago, we went at an area near the sea and took a walk at its dock! It was around the time of the sunset, and it was a really nice sight.

I have to warn you that this post has many pictures cause I decided not to make collages this time. Hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset pictures, the view of the sea, and my outfit.

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Hot summer afternoon

On a hot summer afternoon, I decided it was time, to wear my most comfortable strapless dress to visit my bf and take some photos for you. The light didn’t help as the sun has already begun to fall, but I did the best with what I got.

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